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It can be an easy-care houseplant, too, and you’ll be better able to keep it contained that way. It does best in bright but indirect light, though it will do fine in low light as well. It works well wherever you need a draping plant or it easily can be encouraged to climb a support if you want a more upright look.
Begonia Care: Grow Tuberous Begonia Hybrids Indoors
This popular house plant is easy to propagate and is tolerant to varying levels of humidity—no wonder it’s a smart choice for beginners. Pick a pot with plenty of drainage holes, use a regular potting mix (orchid potting mix works best), and place your peperomia under bright indirect sunlight. Like other easy indoor plants, water your peperomia only when the soil is dry. Also known as Aglaonema, the Chinese Evergreen is a great pick if you're looking for a trouble-free houseplant, providing you follow proper growing conditions. It only needs watering every 5 to 10 days (watch out for soggy soil) and low to bright indirect sunlight to keep it intact.
Simple Houseplants For Minimalists
How to Use Coffee Grounds for Fertilizing Plants—and Why You Should or Shouldn't - Real Simple
How to Use Coffee Grounds for Fertilizing Plants—and Why You Should or Shouldn't.
Posted: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The snake plant has stiff dark green leaves that grow vertically from a basal rosette—the leaves have light gray-green cross-banding, and range from two to three feet long. In optimal conditions, a snake plant’s leaves can reach up to six feet in height. Give this dramatic houseplant plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Its large, dark-green leaves are naturally glossy, but you'll want to gently wipe them with a damp cloth to keep the leaves dust-free. With nicely contrasting foliage in shades of green, this pretty dracaena is closely related to the corn plant dracaena. To keep your plant growing strong, fertilize it monthly with a good, organic liquid fertilizer.
The interesting shape of the leaves and trailing stems give any room a tropical feel. Peperomias (Peperomia spp.) are a diverse group of small, easy-care houseplants with waxy and often highly textured leaves. Some of our favorite varieties include ripple peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby rubber plant, and silverleaf peperomia. Its waxy, colorful foliage adds a splash of color in any room without taking up a lot of space. Also called mother-in-law's tongue, this hardy houseplant is almost impossible to kill. Although it prefers bright light, it will also persevere through dim lighting, temperature fluctuations, and lapses in watering.
Pencil Cactus

Brush up on how to care for your house plant, as all have slightly different needs. As a rule of thumb, water only when the top 1-2cm of compost is dry. Many plants also need humid conditions so mist plants regularly, spritzing them with a misting spray to raise the humidity levels in warm, dry rooms. Feed regularly (around once a month) with a specialist house plant feed during the growing season, from spring to autumn. Many house plants cease growing in the winter months, so need less feeding and watering at this time.
Watermelon Peperomia
Make sure you use fast-draining soil to help prevent root rot, which can kill them. Ponytail palms are non-toxic to cats and dogs, and as long as they get sun, a little water, and a decent temperature, you can expect them to thrive with minimal effort. Parlor palms are relatively tall but narrow plants, with most growing between three and six feet when healthy.
Also known as Phalaenopsis, these easy indoor plants are a genus of almost 70 species. They have thick leaves with arching sprays of bloom that last for months. The herbaceous flowering perennials come in white, pink, lavender, and yellow.

Money Tree
And they also thrive on neglect, needing less water than other plants. This pretty tropical plant can grow quickly, so be ready to repot. They favor the same conditions as other tropical plants—warm and humid.
Tell us: Is it ever OK to gather fruit from someone else’s tree?
One of the stars of the past few years, the monstera (or Swiss cheese plant) is beloved for its pretty leaves. "Monstera is one of my favorite plants that make a statement, perfect for a bright open space," Pangborn says. "Known for its fast-growing nature and large leaves with dramatic holes that resemble Swiss cheese, the Monstera is an easy choice and is adaptable to most indoor environments." Spider plants prefer warm, humid conditions, and can make do with lower light situations.
The queen’s tears is a bromeliad plant that is easy enough for most growers to grow indoors. The moth orchid like other plants from the orchid displays many bright colorful flowers. This species features a red sword-like flower head that can grow up to 2ft tall and attractive mottled leaves.
With plenty of indirect sunlight, your easy indoor plant won’t be needing much from you. Don’t overwater your aloe vera, but make sure its soil receives its weekly dose of moisture. While aloe vera doesn’t need to be fertilized, you can choose to do it once a year during spring. The rabbit's foot fern, Phlebodium aureum, has gorgeous, glaucous leaves.
They thrive in high humidity, so they're a great choice for your bathroom—or you may need to place them in a saucer with pebbles and standing water to provide a humid environment. These visual indicators make it easier to understand what a philodendron needs for best growth. Otherwise, this is primarily a leafy plant that does well both on shelves and in areas where its tendrils can climb up.
For a similar look, you could also try growing Howea fosteriana or Chamaedorea elegans, which have slightly larger leaflets. Grow in bright light out of direct sunlight, water well when in active growth and give it a good mist regularly. One of many gorgeous philodendrons to grow as house plants, Philodendron xanadu is a clump-forming species with lobed leaves that enjoys growing in a shady location. Other attractive philodendrons to grow include Philodendron scandens, Philodendron erubescens and Philodendron 'Imperial Red'. As a testament to their toughness, aspidistras are commonly known as cast iron plants. They're hardier than one might think, too, capable of surviving temperatures as low as -5ºC.
Encourage flowering by reducing watering and allowing your plant to become a bit pot bound. During winter, when indoor heat is on, increase humidity around your lily with a pebble tray. If you’re looking for a unique looking houseplant that your friends likely don’t have in their collection, why not try the fishtail palm?
Start with a terracotta pot that includes drainage holes to ensure excess water can escape. When selecting a kalanchoe, opt for a mature and healthy specimen. If you're working with a cutting, choose a leaf section near the bloom to snip.
To encourage reblooming, pinch off spent flowers and give the plant a rest period with no fertilizing and minimal watering. See the entire leafjoy® Cocoon® Collection of low-light houseplants from Proven Winners. I am looking for reliable data re houseplants that I will use in a dissertation project.
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